Evidence Retrieval Analysis

When Evidence Means a Win or Loss

Information gathering that produces hard, useable evidence to win your case is not always a simple task. Well-meaning people who don't know the laws of information gathering and evidence retrieval often mishandle, or acquire evidence illegally. This taints your case-and lets the guilty go free. Wel are well versed in the laws of information gathering, forensic evidence and evidence retrieval. We'll do it right-and you'll get a fair trial.

Suppose you know evidence exists, but you don't know how to get it. Waterhouse forensic evidence specialists are trained to remove obstacles, gather information, and collect evidence within the boundaries set by law. If criminal evidence exists, we'll pursue legal and just ways to obtain it.

Evidence retrieval, whether forensic or not, may require positioning an operative where the evidence is legally available. Perhaps it means issuing legal orders, compelling the evidence's release. Or sometimes, it's as basic as locating discarded information from the office or home of the suspected wrongdoer. Our experts will get the evidence you need.

Next is evidence analysis, which is probably as important as, or perhaps even more important than, the evidence acquisition itself. In fact, forensic evidence investigative methods often solve the crime. Our forensic evidence specialists know how to cull the smallest, and often most telling, information from highly unlikely sources. It's not unusual that a miniscule fiber found on a piece of clothing points directly towards the guilty party. We'll put our forensic evidence experts to work-and they'll prove guilt or innocence in ways that will amaze you.

Don't take evidence retrieval and analysis into your own hands. It could mean the destruction of valuable evidence, and the compromise of your investigation. Instead, call Waterhouse. If evidence exists, we'll find it, obtain it and analyze it-professionally, thoroughly and discreetly-and help you solve your problems.